
KL Katalox Light Media - 1 cu ft

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Product Features

1 cubic foot KL Katalox Light Media

For removal of iron and manganese

Removes up to 10 ppm iron

Causes red/orange staining with levels as low as 0.3 ppm. Treats both ferrous (clear water or dissolved) and ferric (red water or oxidized) iron.

Removes up to 3 ppm Manganese

Can cause black slime buildup in toilet tanks and may impart a metallic taste to the water

5-12 GPM/square foot Service Flow

KL media is rated for 5-12 GPM service flow per square foot of tank area

Min. 8-10 GPM/ft2 Backwash Flow

Filox* requires 8-10 GPM per SQUARE foot of tank area for backwashing

Product Description

Advanced media offers reliable treatment with reduced waste water

8"x44" Tank - 0.5 cubic foot

9"x48" Tank - 1 cubic foot

10"x54" Tank - 1.5 cubic feet

12"x48" Tank - 2 cubic feet

13"x54" Tank - 3 cubic feet

Note: Sizing not applicable to Air Injection systems. For sizing air injection systems, remove 0.5 cubic foot for your tank size, e.g. a 10"x54" Air Injection system only uses 1 cubic foot of media

More Info

Service Flows
Service flow rate is the manufacturers recommendation for maximum contaminant removal at a constant flow for media alone. Intermittent flow rate and/or lower contaminant levels MAY allow higher treatment flow rates.

Backwash Flow Rates
The backwash flow rate is the minimum rate that MUST be available to ensure proper backwashing and adequate media life. While lower flows can be used and MAY provide adequate results, media life may be significantly reduced.
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1 Review

  • 5
    Love this stuff, only have to flush every 7 days now instead of three and only half the water as well!

    Posted by Mark Iverson on Apr 10 2019

    Mark B. Is knowledgeable, friendly, and honest! Would recommend these folks to anyone!

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