
96k Water Softener with Fleck 2510SXT, Pentair tank

Standard Price: $1,899.00
Sale Price: $1,689.00
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On Sale
  • 96k Water Softener with Fleck 2510SXT, Pentair tank
  • 96k Water Softener with Fleck 2510SXT, Pentair tank
  • Plastic 3/4" MNPT
  • Plastic 1" MNPT
  • SS 3/4" FNPT
  • SS 1" FNPT
  • Tank Color - Black
  • Tank Color - Almond
  • Tank Color - Blue


Product Features

Complete System

14-inchx65-inch resin tank
Riser tube with distributor basket
3.0 cubic feet high capacity resin
Fleck 2510SXT Digital Metered Control Head
Choice of connection
18" x 33" Round Brine Tank with Safety Float


Flow meter measures water and regenerates based on water use, not time, conserving salt and water

96k (96,000) grain capacity

Contains 3.0 cubic feet of high capacity resin capable of removing up to 96,000 grains of hardness between regeneration cycles

20 GPM Service Flow

Treats a maximum flow rate of 20 gallons per minute

Removes Water Hardness

Ion exchange process physically removes the ions that cause hard water

Eliminates Scale

Water that has been softened does not form scale buildup on faucets or fixtures or inside pipes

Reduces Soap Use

Soft water improves soap efficiency, reducing the amount required for dishes, laundry, and bathing.

Fleck 2510SXT Control Head

Digital control built on the #1 control valve in the US. Features dual drive motors for a stronger, longer lasting control valve. Maximum efficiency with simple LCD display and touchpad controls for user friendly control

Structural USA Resin Tank

Durable, high quality polyglass tank made by a trusted name in tank manufacturing

High Capacity Resin

High quality ion-exchange resin in the heart of the water softener

Standard Round Brine Tank

Used for holding salt used during the regeneration process. Measure approximately 18-inch in diameter x33-inch tall and holds approximately 250 lbs of salt

DIY Installation

Simple system connections and detailed installation instructions allow most homeowners to install this system themselves. For those who prefer to leave the work to a professional, most plumbers can install the system in 1-2 hours.


Product Description

Hard water causes a multitude of problems. Scale build-up restricts pipes, builds up on fixtures, and can degrade appliances. Hard water spots are also common on dishes and many other surfaces. The ions that comprise hard water attract soap molecules, requiring more soap to get the job done. This also causes an increase in soap scum and can prevent the removal of dirt and bacteria when bathing. Hard water has also been know to cause hair and skin to be brittle and dry.

Water softeners use an ion-exchange process to remove the ions that create hard water, eliminating hard water and the problems associated with it. Automatic regeneration initiated by a high quality Fleck metered head means high efficiency, consistent water treatment, and low maintenance. Soft water will extend the life of your appliances, decrease soap requirements, and decrease the occurrence of soap scum. Softer hair and skin are also common when using water that has been softened.

The Fleck 2510SXT is one of the best control heads found on water softeners in the US, it's easy LCD display and touchpad controls make it easy to use. The 2510 features dual drive motors that result in a stronger, longer lasting control valve. The advanced features and the capacity for higher efficiency provide top of the line results. Backed by a 5-year warranty, this head will provide long lasting performance as well.

The durable polyglass resin tank is manufactured by Structural USA and is backed by a 10 year warranty. The simple design allows for installation almost anywhere without being unsightly, and optional tank jackets provided added aesthetics for high visible areas. NOTE: Tank color may vary from the one shown

This system comes complete with a brine tank that includes a float assembly for added reliability and peace of mind. Capable of holding up to 350 lb of salt, the large capacity of this brine tank requires infrequent addition of salt and reduces maintenance. NOTE: Color and design may vary from the system pictured

Simple connections and simple set up make this system great for DIYers. Detailed online installation instructions offer a step-by-step guide on proper installation and set up of the system on installation

More Info

Replacement Resin - - Qty Needed:3
Q. What is a water softener?
A water softener is a special filter that uses a process called ion-exchange to remove water hardness, also know as CaCO3, from your water. As the water passes through the softener, univalent sodium or potassium ions on the softening resin exchange with divalent calcium and magnesium ions in the water, eliminating water hardness. Eventually the media in the softener (called softening resin) has exchanged all of its sodium or potassium ions, at which point it will no longer be able to remove any more water hardness. This is why the system regenerates. During this process the system runs a brine solution (water and either sodium or potassium chloride) backwards through the softening resin. This concentrated solution forces the trapped calcium and magnesium ions off the resin and down the drain, replacing them with the sodium or potassium ions needed for softening. With the Fleck control heads, this process is automatic, and only as needed!
Q. What does the grain capacity mean?
Water hardness is usually measured in grains per gallon (GPG). (Some places use parts per million [ppm] or milligrams per liter [mg/L]. To convert your ppm or mg/L to GPG simply divide by 17.1 [Example - 200 ppm or mg/L is equal to 200 / 17.1 = 11.7 GPG]) The grain capacity of a system is how many grains of hardness your system can remove before it needs regenerated. A 32,000 grain or 32k water softener will remove 32,000 grains of water hardness. From that you can determine how many gallons of water you can go through between regenerations. If you have a 32k softener and your water is 15 GPG hard, you can go through 32,000/15=2,133 gallons of water before your softener is exhausted and needs regenerated.
Q. What size system do I need?
There are 2 main factors in determining the size you need: water usage and water hardness. Here is a general guideline on sizing your system: 32k system - 1-2 people, average water use and low hardness (under 15 GPG) 48k system - 3-5 people with average water use or moderate hardness (15-45 GPG) 64k system - 5-7 people with average water use or high hardness (45-65 GPG) Service Flow Rate is the maximum amount of water, in gallons per minute (GPM) that a given system can effectively treat. Always size a system based on water usage first, a system undersized for your water usage may not always filter effectively and will wear out faster.
Q. Are there systems that don't use salt?
Yes, we carry a high quality salt free water conditioner that eliminates hard water problems. Our Scale Sentry system utilizes a specialized media called Filtersorb to provide the same benefits a standard softener offers without the use of salt. In addition, beneficial minerals are left in the water and existing scale is removed as well! In our experience our systems outperform other salt free units, including the "magnetic" and electric systems that are widely available.
Q. Should I be concerned about the salt a water softener puts in my water?
No. The amount of salt put into your water by a water softener is minimal. In fact, in most cases it is low enough that water ran through a softener is still considered "low-sodium" by the FDA. If you want to avoid adding additional sodium to the water all our water softeners can be used with potassium chloride instead of the traditional sodium chloride. If you want to safe drinking water, our drinking water RO systems can turn your ordinary household water into bottled quality drinking water.
Q. What are the differences in the Fleck models 5600 and 5600SXT control heads?
The Fleck 5600 is your basic mechanical control valve. It does it's job in the most cost effective way possible. It is a metered head so it measures how much water you go through and regenerates based water usage. Due to the mechanical limitations on the head it can only be set to 2,100 gallons, at that point it has to regenerate, so some efficiency can be lost depending on the system size and your water hardness. This head is ideal if you are looking for the lowest cost option. The Fleck 5600SXT works similar to the standard 5600 but uses a digital interface instead of a mechanical one. This makes setup easier, and with the digital control it can be set to go through up to 9,999 gallons of water between regenerations. The 5600SXT can be more efficient that the 5600 because of this, especially in larger homes with lower hardness levels. The other advantage the 5600SXT has is adjustable regeneration cycles, while in most cases these settings won't need to be adjusted, with the 5600SXT the option is there should you ever need it.
Q. What kind of maintenance does this system require?
The only regular maintenance a water softener requires is adding salt to the brine tank, and occasionally cleaning the brine tank.
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2 Reviews

  • 5
    Great unit

    Posted by Gregory Riedel on Jul 17 2021

    This unit replaced a Commercial unit twice the size, but it performed twice as good.

  • 4

    Posted by LESTER on Jan 9 2015

    no problem with inststall. might have to call for setting up program still learning

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